Wednesday, February 07, 2007

the frightful leveller hits a bump

rosie m. contributes this link to a story about a cafe in kirkland at which payment is voluntary. there are no prices at the terrabite cafe, and if you decide to give money you slip it into a black box--no one sees how much you give.

so far the "experiment" is doing pretty well, though one customer "is skeptical voluntary payment would work in larger, more anonymous places like Seattle, but in Kirkland "there's a social standard."" the owner describes his cafe as a venture to "skim the froth off the high-end economy and spread it around a little."


Blogger LynneS said...

I knew a fellow student in one of my visual studies classes who was volunteering at a bakery in Toronto that bakes organic bread. They sell it for whatever price people want to pay. The enterprise is self supporting. The student baked a life sized image of himself in bread and served it as a communal meal soaked with homemade wine as performance art for the class. The people who run the bakery are Christian and he was reflecting on the meaning of religious rituals and his own beliefs. Sometimes Toronto really is "Toronto the Good".

9/28/2007 9:10 AM  

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