Thursday, March 08, 2007

kwaito in the city

you can listen to a documentary about kwaito here, the music all our readings about johannesburg agree is the sound of the city. as interviewees agree, it is difficult to define exactly what kwaito is, but easier to understand once you actually hear it. bonus: one of the sources they talk to is the author sarah nutall.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

flanerie in photos

sophia t. made this set of images and text as part of her flanerie project (a walk through downtown seattle). it is a large file, about 9mb, in pdf format, so don't click on it if you are browsing by dialup. but i think it is worth a look.

new york time machine

cookie w. contributes this link to a neat site with a variety of photos of new york from the past, and new photographs from more or less the same place for comparison. it's a fun way to look at the changes (and continuities) of the city landscape.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

campus parkour

apropos our recent readings, trevor again supplies these photos of some of uw campus's parkour practitioners: a "performative critique of the city" indeed.